Home Loan

Getting a home loan doesn’t mean that you should be stuck with one lender for all your loan term. Situations might change over time, so is your circumstances and requirements.

You need to develop the habit of reviewing your home loan regularly so that your home loan product suits your needs and objectives.

There might be some instances where you need to or want to change the lender, such as:

Your loan product becomes less competitive in the market and your current lender does not want to look at your review request
You simply don’t like the product and features (such as net banking, ATM network, etc) of your current lender

You want to take some cash out from against your current property for debt consolidation, further investments, etc and credit policy of your lender does not support

Refinancing needs to be done very carefully and may not be a good choice at all in some cases. If you are thinking of exploring your options for refinancing, please Contact Us now.

Have you sorted out your own place to live in and looking for somewhere to invest?

Or, are you happy renting at the moment but looking to invest in property to build your portfolio? Then, you need to learn more than just getting a home loan. Property investment is relatively less risky than other asset class, but don’t make a mistake thinking that it is a risk-free investment. People use different strategies in property investments and it all depends on their goals and individual circumstances.

  • Are you looking to invest in property with negative gearing benefits?
  • Are you looking for cash flow positive property investments?
  • Are you buying investment property through your Super?
  • Are you looking to invest in commercial properties (office space, shopfront, warehouse etc)?
  • Are you looking to invest in regional cities?

Now, do you see how many choices you have? The selection of loan structure, loan product, and the lender largely depends on which strategy you chose. This is why you need an experienced mortgage broker just like us.

Sounds something similar? Please contact us. We will guide you through your property investment journey.

Have you bought your first property a few years ago? Looking to upgrade to a bigger space to accommodate increased family needs?

Yes, with the changes in family circumstances, you may be looking to upgrade to a bigger house. If you think that your earning is now stable, then upgrading to a bigger home can be an option. However, there are so many things to remember and the transaction is more complicated than buying your first home.

Of course, you need to know about the deposit you have and the equity you can draw from an existing property. You need to know your borrowing capacity to see this plan can be supported. And then comes the main execution of this plan. No matter how long ago you bought your first property, this transaction is a whole new thing and requires a new knowledge set. Having a people like us around you can help a lot.

If you are thinking to upgrade to a bigger house soon, please contact us now.

Are you looking to buy your first home? We know how you are feeling now!

We know your exact pain points.

You are excited because you are making a big decision in your life.

You are emotional because you are driven by the pressure at the present or some hope in the future.

You are frustrated and confused because everyone gives you their own opinion.

You are confused not because there is a lack of information, but there is too much information available everywhere.

When you are excited, emotional and confused, chances of making a better money decision is very poor. You are investing thousands of dollars and to most of you, this is going to be the only property in your life. Your deposit is coming from the hard works you have done so far. You now want to commit probably rest of your life for the mortgage repayments and you are not making a rational decision? No way. You deserve better. This is where we specialize in. This is where ThinkWise comes in. In fact, we have helped over thousands of families just like in your situation not only to buy a property but also make this a home.

Contact us today to plan your journey, or go through below resources if you are just planning for now.